2024 Rick's Run

Resultssun13oct8:30 amsun4:00 pm2024 Rick's RunCompletedMilkhouse Brewery at Stillpoint Farm, 8253 Dollyhyde Rd, Mt Airy, MD 217718:30 am - 4:00 pm Event Over

Event Details

Welcome to the 12th annual Rick’s Run!

We are VERY excited to celebrate the 12th running of the Rick O’Donnell 5.22 Mile Trail Run and Ultra Challenge at Milkhouse Brewery at Stillpoint Farm.

The hilly course is a five-mile loop of farm lanes, grassy trails cut through hay fields, and some wooded trails.

NOTE: Registration will be open until 8:30am on race morning, but you MUST register on your own device. Please register online at home before you arrive at the venue or on your own phone when you get to the race venue.  We will not be processing in-person registrations at the race venue.


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